Press Release
July 21, 2017
Wildlife for Everyone Foundation Expands Board
Four New Directors Elected
State College, PA - Wildlife for Everyone Foundation, the not-for profit organization committed to wildlife conservation in Pennsylvania, recently elected four members to its Board of Directors. The incoming directors will serve three year terms.
Janet D. Nyce (Elliottsburg, PA), is returning to the Board after a 2 year hiatus. Nyce joined the Board in 2004, serving as its president for three years (2012-2015). She retired from
the family business, Nyce Crete Company & Landis Block & Concrete in 2000. An avid
outdoorswoman and advocate for women and youth participation in the sport of shooting,
Nyce has served in numerous leadership roles promoting pro-sportsmen's positions. She served
on multiple advisory councils for hunting, fishing and conservation, many at the request of the
governor of Pennsylvania. Nyce received the Budweiser Conservation award in 2005 for
development of the Wildlife in a Box program, an outreach initiative designed to inform urban
youth in the Philadelphia School District about wildlife. She was bestowed with two national
awards from the NRA and held national and international positions with the Safari Club
Margaret Brittingham (Port Matilda, PA), is a professor of Wildlife Resources in the
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at Penn State University where she
teaches ornithology and is a Wildlife Extension Specialist for Pennsylvania. Her research
interests focus on avian ecology, human impacts on bird populations, and the effects of habitat
fragmentation on forest birds. She and her students are currently conducting research on the
response of bird communities to shale gas exploration and development. Brittingham is
president of the Pennsylvania chapter of The Wildlife Society and a board member of the
Clearwater Conservancy, State College. She has been a member of the Ornithological Technical
Committee (Pennsylvania Biological Survey) since 1994 and chaired the committee from 2009-
Cathy Pomanti (Hummelstown, PA), is a principal in KPMG's Advisory Services practice
and the office managing principal for KPMG's Harrisburg office. KPMG LLP is the US member
firm of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, providing audit, tax and advisory services. Pomanti has more than 30 years of
experience in technology and management consulting. She has a strong background across the
full life cycle of IT project delivery and considerable project management experience including
all phases of the development process. Prior to re-joining KPMG in 2010, Pomanti was
responsible for Bearing Point’s State and Local Government and Higher Education practice in
North America. Bearing Point is the leading global business consulting firm headquartered in
Amsterdam, Netherlands. In this capacity, she was the executive sponsor for a variety of
significant and large-scale IT projects across North America. Pomanti served on KPMG's Board
of Directors and Bearing Point’s Executive Leadership Committee.
Michael Harpster (Tyrone, PA), is Director of Sales and Membership for HomeWaters
Club, the private fly fishing club located in Spruce Creek, PA. In his current capacity, Harpster is
responsible for sales and marketing, including the membership program, non-member
offerings, charitable/fundraising programs, and all member related issues. Since joining
HomeWaters 18 years ago, Harpster has been instrumental in developing programs that have
helped more than 30 different non-profit organizations raise more than $500,000 utilizing the
club's facilities. Harpster created and currently serves as Chairman of the Wildlife for Warriors
Spruce Creek Classic Fly Fishing Tournament that benefits the Wildlife for Everyone Foundation
and Project Healing Waters, an organization committed to the rehabilitation of disabled active
military personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing. This is the third year that Harpster
is overseeing the fundraiser that will take place at the HomeWaters Club in September. Prior to
his employment at HomeWaters, Harpster held positions in direct sales, as a recruiter/trainer of
direct sales staff and owned and operated a factory distributorship.
The vision of the Wildlife for Everyone Foundation is to be the leading advocate for wildlife conservation in Pennsylvania. The foundation was formed in 2004 to provide all wildlife enthusiasts with a way to show their commitment through much-needed financial support for wildlife conservation efforts and education. Since its inception, the Foundation has raised millions of dollars to support projects including wildlife and wetland habitat improvements, creek and lake restorations, the Seedlings for Schools program and student educational opportunities. The Foundation’s mission connects all wildlife and nature enthusiasts to the great outdoors, including birders, hunters, anglers, students and everyone with an appreciation for nature’s treasures. For more information, visit
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